Live Sim SD: June 24th
Posted on Thu Jul 30th, 2020 @ 6:00am by Commodore Devon Cummings & Lieutenant Nikosh mok Targus & Lieutenant Karlie Edwards
Edited on on Thu Jul 30th, 2020 @ 6:00am
1,740 words; about a 9 minute read
Mission: Where are we?
Sel and Sivain leave the bridge.
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
Maybe they teach us how they hide ship, or maybe they have advanced propulsion to get us home, or vormhole, someting!
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
Nat, go with them, just in case.
Portman> ::nods and grabs a phase pistol::
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
Who knows, maybe vould be rude not to accept a ... "gift" in exchange for returning empress, eh?
❙ Seamus MacDoughall & Sivain06/24/2020
Sivain>;;escorts her down to where her friend is in the stasis chamber;;
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
Want me to speak with them Captain? Or are you?
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
I'll go, commander. You have the bridge. ::Signals Portman to follow him.::
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
::nods and sits in the chair::
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
::Enters the TL.::
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
Thank God. Friendlies. If they will understand about the situation.
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
Portman> ::Was already on it. Stepping into the turbolift with him:: Why are we going by ourselves instead of having her and Sivain join us?
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
::shrugs:: If Keptin vants to be rude and not take ze gift, that is up to him. He is in command, after all. Personally, I vould make sure to accept anything offered.
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
I seriously doubt they are going to fire on the ship that their Empress is on. That would risk killing her.
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
Only time will tell Targus.
[9:38 PM]
We shall see what happens after the Captain talks with them.
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
Knowing Nat, Lieutenant, she's gonna ask how we couldn't see them.
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
I vould like to know how they make ship disappear like that. Could come in handy, yes?
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
That's what I was getting at, I'm sure given the chance she'll ask.
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
::nods:: For sure.
[9:41 PM]
Then again, I'm all for faster ways to get home. Along with whatever else that'll be interesting.
Cummings and Porter wait in the hanger bay for the alien ship to land.
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
Hmm ... maybe it has to do vith synchronizing hull polarization to surrounding starfield ... or maybe projecting starfield from other side , or .... ::trails off tugging at his beard::
The alien ship lands. The deck pressurizes and the doors open and Cummings enters, followed by Portman.
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
::Stands and watches as the shuttle doors open.::
❙ Seamus MacDoughall & Sivain06/24/2020
Sivain>:: is with Sel, seeing to her friend;;
2 aliens exit the ship.
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
Portman> ::puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him:: Are we sure we shouldn't have them two with us?
[9:43 PM]
❙ Ens Gaavr or MCPO Calder06/24/2020
Gaavr: :: Listening to more of their language ::
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
::glances at the power distribution systems as they adapt to a sudden increase in mass by the arrival of the extra shuttle::
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
It's better then 3 or 4 of them.
[9:44 PM]
I am Captain Cummings. I welcome you to my ship.
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
Portman> I meant Ms. Frosty and Sivain.
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
Alien>Where is her highness? We demand to see her.
[9:45 PM]
You're in no position to demand anything on my ship, but I will have her brought her.
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
Portman> ::keeps her mouth shut to not say 'I told you so.'::
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
+T+ Captain to Sivian. Please bring our guest to the hanger bay.
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
I dunno, maybe something like, or bending light perhaps, Targus.
❙ Seamus MacDoughall & Sivain06/24/2020
Sivain>+Captain+ Aye sir as soon as her friend has fully awakened
❙❙ Lt Karlie Waters06/24/2020
((sorry late, where am I?))
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
[assumed, bridge?]
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
Bending light? Yes, that vould vork. But vouldn't that take huge mass? Like black hole or someting? Or huge power demand.
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
(Yes. Bridge)
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
::Looks at the aliens.:: How long have you been searching for her? ::Now he's starting to get suspicious about them.::
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
::looks at Gaavr:: Learning their language Gaavr?
❙ Seamus MacDoughall & Sivain06/24/2020
Sivain>;;manages to get the cat creature awake and stabilized, softly crooning to it as it awoke;;
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
Mirrors refract light don't they?
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
alien>For [ut can't translate the answer completely] cycles.
[9:48 PM]
Sel>::Looks at her protector::
[9:49 PM]
Can you repeat that again please?
[9:49 PM]
alien> For 15 cycles.
❙ Ens Gaavr or MCPO Calder06/24/2020
Gaavr: I am trying sir
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
::Looks at Porter.:: Could that mean 15 years?
❙ Seamus MacDoughall & Sivain06/24/2020
Sivain>;;nods to her: He should be alright in a few moments
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
Portman> Depending on how long their cycles are, that'd be my guess, Captain.
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
::nods slowly:: Yes, a mirrored hull vould do it. Even some kind of crystalline matrix or someting like. Still, probably expensive materials, I vould tink.
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
And a nightmare to put together I would imagine.
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
Good. Keep at it. Might come in handy.
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
Alien>She is the last of her family...our leaders. Killed when those who conquered us came. We are the last of our kind.
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
Maybe some kind of modulated energy field vould do ze trick? Still, costly in power and materials, but ...
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
Sel>::Looks at Sivain.:: My people are coming. Should we be there to greet them? I don't remember much now.
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
I'm not sure Targus
❙ Seamus MacDoughall & Sivain06/24/2020
Sivain>Of course, my lady here is your friend;; hands the cat over to her before leading her to the hangar bay;;
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
What is it you want from her?
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
Or maybe is combination of all those things? Ve just need to get them to show us how they do it!
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
Then again, I don't know why I didn't think of it before. ::shakes his head with a sigh of almost embarrassment:: I should have learned about how our cloaking devices work.(edited)
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
alien>She must tell us what to do. Our ship..the last of our people. We still fight our enemies...but they are many.
[9:55 PM]
[we don't have cloaking devices.]
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
Yes, Romulans vere very sneaky during ze var! Hard to find you to shoot at you! ::grunt-laughs::
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
[We as in Romulans. He's a rommie remember]
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
Somehow, I doubt the Romulans will be willing to share the cloaking devices with us.
❙ Seamus MacDoughall & Sivain06/24/2020
Sivain >;; continues to escort her through the ship to the Hangar bay, carrying the cat if she wants him to;;
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
Though, it'd be nice.
❙ Ens Gaavr or MCPO Calder06/24/2020
Gaavr: :: It had been a while since he experienced a new language ::
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
Since vhen are Romulans nice? Present company excluded, Mr. Valarig, of course.
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
You would take her and put her in danger?
[9:57 PM]
[no cloaks this period...cloaks started in TOS]
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
They aren't, look what they did to me. ::nodding to the exclusion:: Of course.
❙ Ens Gaavr or MCPO Calder06/24/2020
(cloaked mines though)
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
((Maybe Romulans only have a working prototype for small-scale cloaks?))
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
[I coulda sworn they were in the later seasons of ENT with those mind control 'drone' ships]
❙ Seamus MacDoughall & Sivain06/24/2020
Sivain>;; brings Sel and the cat into the Hangar bay and over to the Captain and rest of the party there;;
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
[they weren't cloaked...they could look like other ships.]
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
[Well, the statement still works cause of the cloaked mines]
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
-sayd When the 2 aliens see Sel, they rush forward towards her.
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
But more to our current needs ... do these people have advanced propulsion? Any vay to get us home vithin our normal lifetimes?
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
::Tries to stop them.::
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
Portman> ::leans to Cummings ear in a hushed voice:: I don't like where this is going. ::also moves to get between them::
But before they next hear her, they drop to the floor, on their knees.
[10:00 PM]
❙ Ens Gaavr or MCPO Calder06/24/2020
Gaavr: :: Lost track of what was going on when he listened ::
❙ Seamus MacDoughall & Sivain06/24/2020
Sivain>:;steps in front of the others to protect Sel from harm;;
❙❙ Lt Nikosh mok Targus [CEng]06/24/2020
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
Portman ::pulling the pistol:: Uh huh. Or...nevermind. ::puts it back in the holster::
[10:00 PM]
Portman> ::paws::
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
well, well, well....what a turn of events.
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
[well dammit. I was enjoying enough I wasn't paying attention to the time in the least]
[10:01 PM]
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
time flies...
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
Just when things got interesting.
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
I opt for going longer.
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
it's called a cliffhanger for a reason. lol
❙ Seamus MacDoughall & Sivain06/24/2020
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
next time....will we find the truth about this mysterious beautiful woman?
[10:02 PM]
how long was she in that stasis tube?
[10:03 PM]
TBS.....2 minutes
❙ Seamus MacDoughall & Sivain06/24/2020
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
[10:03 PM]
❙ Seamus MacDoughall & Sivain06/24/2020
will we find out more about that cat too?
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
❙ Seamus MacDoughall & Sivain06/24/2020
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
anyone else?
[10:04 PM]
going once...going twice....
[10:04 PM]
commander, say your peace then dismiss these hard working people.
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
you're not hard working people???
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
[10:05 PM]
I am. I say we all are.
[10:05 PM]
❙❙ Lt Valarig - <<<● CPO Portman06/24/2020
[Cause no continuing ]
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
[maybe next week we can try to do 15 minutes more]
❙ Ens Gaavr or MCPO Calder06/24/2020
Night all
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020
Oh. I'm bummed too but we'll try longer next week. Hopefully.
[10:06 PM]
[10:06 PM]
Good job tonight everyone.
[10:07 PM]
Have a good night. Have a good week. Stay safe. Stay healthy. See you all next time.
IIII CaptainDevonCummings06/24/2020
Night safe...see you next week.
❙❙❙ Commander Matthew Edwards06/24/2020